General meetings of the Needham Democratic Town Committee are opportunities to discuss issues of concern to local Democrats, and plan electoral and other activities in support of Democratic candidates and policies. From time-to-time, elected officials and other speakers are featured. These meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend.
DTC Meeting
Needham History Center & Museum 1147 Central Avenue , Needham, MA, United StatesGuest Speaker: Lida Harkins Census Specialist
Needham Caucus for State Convention
Newman Elementary School 1155 Central Ave, NeedhamThis is the caucus to elect delegates for the 2020 State Convention in Lowell MA on Saturday, May 30, 2020. All are invited to attend, but only registered Needham Democrats can serve as delegates or vote for delegates. To be a delegate, you MUST: 1. be a registered or pre-registered Democrat 2. live in Needham […]
Massachusetts Presidential Primary
For EARLY VOTING INFORMATION, GO TO If you live in Needham, note that we have new polling places for POLLING LOCATIONS PRECINCT A - Center at the Heights – 300 Hillside Ave. PRECINCT B - Center at the Heights – 300 Hillside Ave. PRECINCT C - Newman School, 1155 Central Ave - Gym PRECINCT […]
CANCELLED: April DTC Meeting
Needham History Center & Museum 1147 Central Avenue , Needham, MA, United StatesCANCELLED: 2020 State Democratic Convention
Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell 300 Arcand Dr, Lowell, MassachusettsThe Massachusetts Democratic Party announced Monday it plans to cancel the 2020 state nominating convention because of the COVID-19 pandemic and will give Senator Ed Markey the state party's endorsement going into the September 1 primary. The party also agreed that Joe Kennedy III would reach the 15% threshold necessary to appear on the ballot. […]
June DTC Meeting
ZoomThe next Needham DTC Meeting will be held by Zoom on Weds, June 3, 7:00 pm. State Senator Michael J. Barrett (D-Lexington) will speak about a package of state environmental legislation. We also expect to have candidates for the Norfolk County Sheriff's race, and various updates on Town Meeting, campaign events, etc. The environmental legislation […]
July 15 Candidate Forum for Congressional Candidates
ZoomRegister at the link on the Wellesley DTC page. All 9 candidates have confirmed. The Democratic primary will come up quickly -- on September 1.
July 29 Forum for Candidates for Norfolk County Sheriff (Zoom)
ZoomArea Leagues of Women Voters are hosting this candidate forum on July 29 and we encourage Needham Democrats to attend. Register and get more info at the link provided.
Forum for Norfolk County Offices
ZoomNEEDHAM/WELLESLEY DTC FORUM FOR CANDIDATES FOR NORFOLK COUNTY OFFICES (COMMISSIONER, TREASURER, AND REGISTER OF PROBATE) REGISTRATION INFORMATION: When: Aug 10, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Needham DTC Biden/Harris Campaign Kickoff
ZoomMany of you have asked how you can help the Biden/Harris ticket. For this election, the key methods for connecting with voters will be phoning and texting (not canvassing). Our main guest will be Alex Bausch, regional field organizer for the Biden/Harris campaign in Massachusetts. Alex will talk about the campaign and how to get […]
Becca Rausch Campaign Kickoff
ZoomFROM STATE SENATOR BECCA RAUSCH -- VIRTUAL CAMPAIGN KICK-OFF THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 6:30 PM: I am excited to invite you to my campaign's official virtual campaign kick-off on Thursday, September 3! I know what you’re thinking – hasn’t she been campaigning already? Yes, I’ve been hard at work building my campaign team and raising […]
Needham DTC Phone Bank to Recruit Volunteers
ZoomWe will be calling in the Needham area to friendly numbers to recruit volunteers. Training followed by calling. Register here: